Be Francy
How can you survive without a multipersonality?
.. Wearing, always, the same character , especially when this character involves being constantly in a sort of uniform hyper earnest ... people too much aligned with themselves , they really make me feel scared. Who doesn't own an alter ego? I was too serious , I felt a prisoner in my job,so for a long period, I observed myself,the world,the people and their life. And I realized that everything and everyone is constantly different.
Sic et simpliciter. I havn't discover anything special, I just paid my attention to a real fact.Suddenly, I considered another important point. Music influences me. I can't describe how much incredibly it makes me feel in special and polyhedric way.When I feel the music in my blood I am capable of anything, transforming me in anyone.Different music, different sensations, ispirations and at least..creations. I consider myself the personification of the notes because all my creations come from the effect of a particular song or musical composition. I like thinking that when I listen the music a magic wind touches my soul, spreading in the air dancing faeries. I seriosly belive in faeries. They come from imagination, so they are incredibly real. Everything real comes from imagination. Many dancing faeries, having different points of view, personality, attitude, look, life and story. We are different but united by an impalpable silver wire , as kites, in this life our mission is help this woman to Be Francy.
I can help you to express yourself, your style, your brand,your talent, your power.
La musica influenza ogni mia creazione, mi trasforma, mi fa diventare chi voglio, per un momento, per gioco...libera in me ogni estrosità e realizzazione di uno stile. Come fate,fluttuanti nell'aria, cosi diverse tra loro, ognuna danza ciò che la musica trasmette. Come posso aiutarti? Posso aiutarti a scoprire e valorizzare il tuo potenziale estetico, mentale, sportivo costruendo lo stile più idoneo alla tua personalità.
Be Francy (C)Rome London Principautè de Monaco | Be Francy (C)Rome London Principautè de Monaco | Be FrancyRome London Principautè de Monaco |